Sunday, April 3, 2011

Background Check for Cruise Jobs « Cruise Jobs Blog

Important, Background Check for Cruise Jobs

Yes something quite important for the passengers of cruise ships to feel secure that cruise lines do background check for cruise jobs. Imagine that all passengers want to feel secure that the people going into their cabin are to be trusted.

<img src="roulettetableincasinoimage/background-check-for-cruise-jobs.jpg" alt="Background Check For Cruise Jobs">

Hiring Agents get Background Check for Cruise Jobs positions

Generally all the cruise lines use hiring agents or recruitment agents for non-US shipboard personnel in the candidates’ home country and get certified criminal history document from the country of origin.

US Embassy does Background Check for Cruise Jobs seamen’s visas

The US State Department also checks during the issuance of seamen’s visas to foreign nationals who sail into US ports. The US Embassy in the crewmember’s country of origin conducts background checks while issuing seaman’s visas. Furthermore the US Customs and Border Protection regularly check crews manifest every time a ship enters and leaves a US Port. They also do regular face-to-face checks every so many months to make sure the face fits the passport picture.

Subject to Background Check for Cruise Jobs

You just need to be aware should you be interested in cruise employment that you are subject to background check, physical fitness tests, drug testing and character reference checks.

For more on getting those Cruise Jobs, check out my page on cruise line jobs links for all the links for the different cruise lines and companies.
So make sure everything is hunky dory, so that you pass all the

Posted via email from cruise jobs posterous

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